Asseco Solutions a.s.
Head Office Czech Republic

Zelený pruh 1560/99
140 02 Praha 4
Czech Republic

+420 244 104 111 (reception)

Other offices

Hradec Králové

Bratří Štefanů 60/39
500 03 Hradec Králové
Czech Republic

+420 495 809 211


Londýnské náměstí 886/4
639 00 Brno - Štýřice
Czech republic

+420 532 303 404


Masná 8
702 00 Ostrava 
Czech republic

+420 595 136 725

Billing information

Company data

IČ: 64949541
DIČ: CZ64949541
ID data box: fb4ewyy

The company is registered in the commercial register
at the Municipal Court in Prague, file number:: B. 3771

Bank account

ČSOB, a. s.
Account number: 111263671/0300
IBAN: CZ31 0300 0000 0001 1126 3671

Do you need to get in touch with us?

Fill out the form on the right and we will get back to you, or simply call/text us: